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心理健康 Emotional Well-Being

in Chinese Health Initiative (CHI) 華人健康促進計畫

[Virtual Class]  心理健康講座: 懷孕期間的情緒管理 How To Manage Your Emotions During Pregnancy
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[Virtual Class] 心理健康講座: 懷孕期間的情緒管理 How To Manage Your Emotions During Pregnancy

Calendar Next session starts Jul 27, 2024 at 10 am

報名 Register: 


  • 懷孕所帶來的生理和心理層面的變化
  • 壓力對應機制,及如何提升自己的壓力管理能力
  • 認識您世界中的變化,對個人和伴侶,以及關係的衝擊
  • 訒識懷孕經驗及生殖創傷的可能影響
  • 分辨情緒調節與情緒失調
  • 何時及如何尋求幫助

主講: 陳志美, 婚姻和家庭諮商師 Jill Chen-Kuendig, LMFT

日期:7/27/2024, 週六,10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

講員簡介: 輔導心理學和臨床心理學的雙碩士和博士學位,超過25年經驗的婚姻和家庭諮商師(LMFT),曾擔任Momentum for Mental Health的門診計畫經理,以及El Camino Health的行為健康部門治療師。她曾聯合創辦了第一個NAMI的 華裔互助團體,並負責美國紅十字會的災難心理健康工作,在社區機構、醫院、家暴庇護所和學校等多個領域有豐富的經驗。



Emotional Well-Being Series

How To Manage Your Emotions During Pregnancy

What will be covered in the webinar:

• Understanding physiological changes and the psychological aspects of parenthood for a healthy body and mindset

  • Building awareness of your stress management abilities and coping mechanisms
  • Navigating disruptions in your life, including the impacts on individual and couple dynamic, relationships, meaning, and purpose
  • Addressing reproductive experiences (such as IVF) and the impacts of reproductive trauma
  • Differentiating between mood regulation and dysregulation
  • When and how to seek help

Date: 7/27/2024, Sat,10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Speaker: Jill Chen-Kuendig, LMFT

Speaker Bio: Jill is a licensed Marriage and Family therapist with 25+ years of experience. Holding Doctoral and Master's degrees in Counseling Psychology and Clinical Psychology, she managed programs for Momentum for Mental Health and worked as a Behavioral Health therapist for El Camino Health. She co-founded Chinese American NAMI support and has served as a facilitator for many years. She also leads disaster mental health efforts for the American Red Cross, Her diverse background includes community agencies, hospitals, domestic violence shelters, and schools.

The webinar is conducted in Mandarin.

The Mental Health Education and Awareness was funded by a grant from the El Camino Health Foundation

感謝協辦單位 Community Partners:

凱芯文教基金會 (Joy Culture Foundation)

國語語文學校 (Mandarin Language and Cultural Center)

山景城市府 (City of Mountain View)

柏拉阿圖中文學校 (Palo Alto Chinese School)

美華婦女會矽谷分會 (Organization of Chinese American Women-Silicon Valley Chapter)

華人社區中心 (Avenidas)

Please email any questions to Chinese Health Initiative at  

[Virtual Class]  心理健康講座: 聖塔克拉拉縣的心理健康服務 How To Help a Friend or Loved One Access Behavioral Health Care
Online Registration Unavailable

[Virtual Class] 心理健康講座: 聖塔克拉拉縣的心理健康服務 How To Help a Friend or Loved One Access Behavioral Health Care

Calendar Next session starts Aug 8, 2024 at 4 pm
1 additional session on Sep 19, 2024

報名 Register: 


如果您有政府提供的低收入或老人保險, 或甚至沒有保險,在需要時可以得到由各縣政府所提供的免費心理/行為健康,或物質濫用相關服務。如何申請? 有什麼樣的選擇? 獲得這些知識,與身體生病時知道何處就醫,是同等重要。我們與聖塔克拉拉縣行為健康服務部門合作,邀請第一線的工作人員來介紹服務,解釋申請程序,並回答大家的問題。

之一 : 一般心理健康服務

8/8/2024 ,週四,4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

聖塔克拉拉縣第三區縣政務委員李洲曉(Supervisor Otto Lee)致歡迎辭

講員: Johanna Blandino, LCSW, manager, SCC Behavioral Health Services Navigator Program and Peggy Cho, mental health peer support worker, SCC Behavioral Health Services Cultural Communities Wellness Program


之二 : 心理健康危機處理

9/19/2024,週四,4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

講員: Ian Bohannon, LCSW, manager, SCC Mobile Crisis Response Team and Lan Nguyen, Division Manager, Crisis and Suicide Services



Emotional Well-Being Series

Presented in partnership with Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services

How To Help a Friend or Loved One Access Behavioral Health Care

Did you know that those with public insurance can access a mental health or substance use provider at no cost? Learn to navigate the behavioral health system in Santa Clara County (SCC) to gain access to these critical services. It's important to remember that behavioral health is as important to overall well-being as physical health.

Connecting with Behavioral Health Services and Support

8/8/24 (Thursday) 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Opening remarks: Supervisor Otto Lee, District 3

Speakers: Johanna Blandino, Manager, SCC Behavioral Health Services Navigator Program and Peggy Cho, Mental Health Peer Support Worker, SCC Behavioral Health Services Cultural Communities Wellness Program


How to Access Crisis Intervention Services

9/19/24 (Thursday) 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Speakers: Ian Bohannon, LCSW, manager, SCC Mobile Crisis Response Team and Lan Nguyen, Division Manager, Crisis and Suicide Services

Webinar conducted in Mandarin and English

The Mental Health Education and Awareness was funded by a grant from the El Camino Health Foundation

感謝協辦單位 Community Partners:

凱芯文教基金會 (Joy Culture Foundation)

國語語文學校 (Mandarin Language and Cultural Center)

山景城市府 (City of Mountain View)

柏拉阿圖中文學校 (Palo Alto Chinese School)

美華婦女會矽谷分會 (Organization of Chinese American Women-Silicon Valley Chapter)

華人社區中心 (Avenidas)

Please email any questions to Chinese Health Initiative at  

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