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Chinese Health Initiative (CHI) 華人健康促進計畫
「大雁氣功新生免費示範課」Dayan Qigong Free Demo Class
with 氣功老師 蔣雁文 Edith Chiang
報名 Register:
時間: 週日, 1/26/25, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
地點: El Camino Health Mountain View Campus
2500 Grant Road, Mountain View, CA 94040
Conference Room F & G
氣功老師: 蔣雁文
華人健康促進計畫詢問電話: 650-988-3234 或電郵
Dayan Qigong Free Demo Class, conducted in Mandarin
Date : Sunday, 1/26/25, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Location: El Camino Health Mountain View Campus
2500 Grant Road, Mountain View, CA 94040
Conference Room F & G
Instructor: Edith Chiang
Instructor Bio : A certified Dayan qigong instructor from Wen Wu School of Martial Arts in El Cerrito, CA. Edith has been teaching Dayan Qigong at El Camino Health, Kaiser, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, and various senior facilities since 2004.
Please email any questions to Chinese Health Initiative at
[Virtual Class] 御糖有術 - 糖尿病預防課程 普通話班 (Diabetes Prevention Series - Mandarin)
with 秦譞 註冊營養師,糖尿病管理及教育專家 Naomi Qin, MS, RD, CDCES
報名 Register:
- 以疾病防治局 (CDC) 的糖尿病預防計畫 (DPP) 為基礎
- 根據華人飲食及健康需求加以改編和擴充
- 透過飲食、運動,睡眠、舒減壓力等建立全方位健康生活型態
- 降低糖尿病風險,防心血管疾病,並提升整體健康
- 四個月課程,講師包括註冊營養師、糖尿病管理及教育專家、運動教練、靜坐老師、臨床心理師等
「我參加了御糖有術的春季班,開始學習進行 MEDS生活型態的改變:飲食上更注重健康合理的比例,把蔬菜在每餐的比例從三分之一增加到了二分之一;增加了運動頻率,達到了每天都做運動,且每週運動總時長超過150分鐘;同時,開始改善睡眠質量,增加了睡眠時間,現在每晚可睡七至八小時。四個月下來,糖化血色素 (A1c) 也從 6.4 下降到 5.6。謝謝CHI對社區提供的服務和教學,幫助了許多長年糖尿病的患者。心中感激不盡。」 - Pat Lin, Cupertino
「我參加了御糖有術的春季班,開始學習進行MEDS生活型態的改變;把蔬菜在每餐的比例從三分之一增加到了二分之一。同時,開始改善睡眠質量,增加了睡眠時間,現在每晚可睡七至八小時。四個月下來,糖化血色素(A1c)也從6.1下降到正常範圍。」 - Effy
日期: 2/12 – 5/28
時間: 每週三, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
報名截止: 2/12/25
課程完全免費,線上課程, 以普通話進行
早鳥特惠:1/13前報名系列課程者可以獲得免費的 A1c 測試。
*這是簡易型扎手指的A1c 檢測,將於 1/15在El Camino Health洛斯加圖醫院 (Los Gatos Hospital) 舉辦的篩檢活動中提供。
*學員必須填寫課前和課後問卷,並在課程開始前和結束後提供其糖化血紅蛋白數值(A1C), 以評估成效。
課程經費來自於 El Camino Health 和 El Camino Healthcare District 的社區回饋基金和社區的捐贈
Diabetes Prevention Series
Culturally tailored for Chinese community members
- Based on CDC Diabetes Prevention Program
- Adapted to dietary and health needs of Chinese population
- Virtual class conducted in Mandarin
- 4-month curriculum, including two major parts:
- Diabetes basics, taught by a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist
- Build healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise, sleep, and stress reduction. Taught by registered dietitians, trainer, meditation instructor, clinical psychologist
Learn more:
"I participated in the spring session of DPS and began implementing MEDS lifestyle changes. I focused on a healthier and more balanced diet, increasing the proportion of vegetables in each meal from one-third to one-half. I also increased the frequency of exercise, working out daily, totaling more than 150 minutes per week. I also improved my sleep quality, extending sleep time from seven to eight hours per night. After four months, my A1c level dropped from 6.4 to 5.6. Thanks to CHI for providing these services and education to the community, helping many with diabetes for a long time. I am deeply grateful." – Pat Lin in Cupertino
"I participated in the spring session of the DPS and learned to implement MEDS lifestyle changes. I increased the proportion of vegetables in each meal from one-third to one-half. Additionally, I started improving my sleep quality and extended sleep duration to seven to eight hours a night. After four months, my A1c level dropped from 6.1 to normal range." – Effy
Mandarin Session
Date: weekly class from 2/12 - 5/28
Time: Wed; 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
The online program is completely free!
Early Bird Special: First 30 registrants will get a free finger-prick Hemoglobin A1C test.
*The A1c screening event will be held on 1/15 at El Camino Health Los Gatos Hospital
The program is completely free. Participants need to complete pre and post surveys and provide their Hemoglobin A1C scores before the program begins and after the program ends to evaluate outcomes.
Funded by Community Benefit of El Camino Healthcare District and El Camino Health, and generous donations from the community.
For questions, call 650-988-3234 or email
「大雁氣功八週基礎班」8-week Dayan Qigong for Beginners
with 氣功老師 蔣雁文 Edith Chiang
報名 Register:
新班二月開課: 實體線下課程,以普通話進行
日期: 週日,2/23 – 4/13
時間: 9 a.m. – 10 :30 a.m.
地點: El Camino Health Mountain View Campus
2500 Grant Road, Mountain View, CA 94040
Conference Room F & G
一期八堂課 $180
氣功老師: 蔣雁文
華人健康促進計畫詢問電話: 650-988-3234 或電郵
In-person 8-week Class: conducted in Mandarin
Date : Sundays, 2/23 – 4/13
Time : 9 a.m. – 10 :30 a.m.
Location: El Camino Health Mountain View Campus
2500 Grant Road, Mountain View, CA 94040
Conference Room F & G
Cost : $180
The tuition is to be paid directly to the instructor. CHI provides free venue and doesn't charge any fee.
Instructor: Edith Chiang
Instructor Bio : A certified Dayan qigong instructor from Wen Wu School of Martial Arts in El Cerrito, CA. Edith has been teaching Dayan Qigong at El Camino Health, Kaiser, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, and various senior facilities since 2004.
Please email any questions to Chinese Health Initiative at
[Virtual Class] 御糖有術 - 糖尿病預防課程 廣東話班 (Diabetes Prevention Series - Cantonese)
with 關潘靜儀 註冊營養師,糖尿病管理及教育專家 Jennie Quon, RD, CDCES, IFNCP
報名 Register:
- 以疾病防治局 (CDC) 的糖尿病預防計畫 (DPP) 為基礎
- 根據華人飲食及健康需求加以改編和擴充
- 透過飲食、運動,睡眠、舒減壓力等建立全方位健康生活型態
- 降低糖尿病風險,防心血管疾病,並提升整體健康
- 四個月課程,講師包括註冊營養師、糖尿病管理及教育專家、運動教練、靜坐老師、臨床心理師等
「我參加了御糖有術的春季班,開始學習進行 MEDS生活型態的改變:飲食上更注重健康合理的比例,把蔬菜在每餐的比例從三分之一增加到了二分之一;增加了運動頻率,達到了每天都做運動,且每週運動總時長超過150分鐘;同時,開始改善睡眠質量,增加了睡眠時間,現在每晚可睡七至八小時。四個月下來,糖化血色素 (A1c) 也從 6.4 下降到 5.6。謝謝CHI對社區提供的服務和教學,幫助了許多長年糖尿病的患者。心中感激不盡。」 - Pat Lin, Cupertino
「我參加了御糖有術的春季班,開始學習進行MEDS生活型態的改變;把蔬菜在每餐的比例從三分之一增加到了二分之一。同時,開始改善睡眠質量,增加了睡眠時間,現在每晚可睡七至八小時。四個月下來,糖化血色素(A1c)也從6.1下降到正常範圍。」 - Effy
日期: 2/28 – 6/13
時間: 每週五, 9 – 10:30 a.m.
報名截止: 2/28/25
課程完全免費, 線上課程,以廣東話進行
早鳥特惠:1/13前報名系列課程者可以獲得免費的 A1c 測試。
*這是簡易型扎手指的A1c 檢測,將於 1/15在El Camino Health洛斯加圖醫院 (Los Gatos Hospital) 舉辦的篩檢活動中提供。
*學員必須填寫課前和課後問卷,並在課程開始前和結束後提供其糖化血紅蛋白數值(A1C), 以評估成效。
課程經費來自於 El Camino Health 和 El Camino Healthcare District 的社區回饋基金和社區的捐贈
Diabetes Prevention Series
Culturally tailored for Chinese community members
- Based on CDC Diabetes Prevention Program
- Adapted to dietary and health needs of Chinese population
- 4-month curriculum, including two major parts:
- Diabetes basics, taught by a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist
- Build healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise, sleep, and stress reduction. Taught by registered dietitians, trainer, meditation instructor, clinical psychologist
"I participated in the spring session of DPS and began implementing MEDS lifestyle changes. I focused on a healthier and more balanced diet, increasing the proportion of vegetables in each meal from one-third to one-half. I also increased the frequency of exercise, working out daily, totaling more than 150 minutes per week. I also improved my sleep quality, extending sleep time from seven to eight hours per night. After four months, my A1c level dropped from 6.4 to 5.6. Thanks to CHI for providing these services and education to the community, helping many with diabetes for a long time. I am deeply grateful." – Pat Lin in Cupertino
"I participated in the spring session of the DPS and learned to implement MEDS lifestyle changes. I increased the proportion of vegetables in each meal from one-third to one-half. Additionally, I started improving my sleep quality and extended sleep duration to seven to eight hours a night. After four months, my A1c level dropped from 6.1 to normal range." – Effy
Cantonese Session
Date: weekly class from 2/28-6/13
Time: Fri; 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
The online program is completely free!
Early Bird Special: First 30 registrants will get a free finger-prick Hemoglobin A1C test.
*The A1c screening event will be held on 1/15 at El Camino Health Los Gatos Hospital
The program is completely free. Participants need to complete pre and post surveys and provide their Hemoglobin A1C scores before the program begins and after the program ends to evaluate outcomes.
Funded by Community Benefit of El Camino Healthcare District and El Camino Health, and generous donations from the community.
For questions, call 650-988-3234 or email