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Chinese Health Initiative (CHI) 華人健康促進計畫
[Virtual Class] 心理健康系列: 週三午餐漫談 Emotional Well-being Series: Wednesday Lunch Chat
with 臨床心理師李偉倩博士 Wei-Chien Lee, PhD, clinical psychologist

報名 Register:
3/12: 我是否有社交焦慮、或是排斥社交,或只是害羞而已?
3/26: 職場關係:如何不讓自己的情緒干擾人際互動?
4/9: 適合華人的社交技巧
4/23: 我是讓他人喜歡親近的人嗎?
時間: 12:10 p.m. – 12:50 p.m.
主講: 臨床心理師李偉倩博士
講員簡介: 普度大學心理諮商博士,史丹福大學博士後研究,全國認證的臨床心理醫師,曾任教於加州州立大學聖荷西分校。
Emotional Well-Being Series: Wednesday Lunch Chat
Making Connections
Building meaningful relationships can be challenging and requires a blend of skills, self-awareness, and effort. In this series, gain the tools, knowledge, and insights to enhance your interpersonal relationships and interpersonal effectiveness.
3/12: Understanding Am I Socially Anxious, Anti-Social, or Shy?
3/26: Professional Relationships: How to Not Let Emotions Get in the Way of Relating
4/9: Social Networking Skills for Chinese Americans
4/23: Am I Someone Others Enjoy Being Around?
Time: 12:10 p.m. – 12:50 p.m.
Speaker: Wei-Chien Lee, PhD, clinical psychologist
Speaker Bio: Ph.D. Counseling Psychology from Purdue University. Stanford Postdoc. Licensed Clinical Psychologist and National Certified Counselor. Former faculty at San Jose State. Provided more than 500 trainings and workshops to community members, mental health providers, and organizations to improve mental health.
FREE! The online webinar is conducted in Mandarin.
感謝協辦單位 Community Partners:
凱芯文教基金會 (Joy Culture Foundation)
國語語文學校 (Mandarin Language and Cultural Center)
山景城市府 (City of Mountain View)
柏拉阿圖中文學校 (Palo Alto Chinese School)
美華婦女會矽谷分會 (Organization of Chinese American Women-Silicon Valley Chapter)
華人社區中心 (Avenidas)
矽谷中文學校 (Silicon Valley Chinese School)
This Mental Health Education program is funded by a grant from the El Camino Health Foundation.
Please email any questions to Chinese Health Initiative at
[Virtual Class] 請問醫生: 如何預防大腸癌 Ask-a-Doc: Colon Cancer: The Most Preventable Cancer

報名 Register:
免費線上講座,以普通話進行 Online Webinar, conducted in Mandarin
主講:肝膽腸胃專科俞小安醫師 Andy Yu, MD, Gastroenterology
4/14/2025 Monday 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
醫生簡介:俞小安醫師 :芝加哥大學醫學院 ( U. of Chicago Pritzker’s) 畢業、加州大學 戴維斯分校 醫學系 (U.C. Davis) 腸胃專科,南加州大學醫學系 (U.S.C.) 肝臟專科 ,西達‧山奈醫學中心 (Cedars-Sinai—UCLA) 換肝專科訓練,曾任史丹佛大學醫學院助理教授,目前是亞太肝膽腸胃中心主任醫師。
Please email any questions to Chinese Health Initiative at
[Virtual Class] 心理健康系列: 新手父母必備指南 — 產前產後的準備與調適 Emotional Well-being Series

報名 Register:
新手父母必備指南 — 產前產後的準備與調適
- 心理健康調適一如何應對懷孕前後的心理變化
- 新手爸爸指南一在不同階段如何支持伴侶
- 備孕與孕期健康-注意事項與常見健康問題
- 產後適應與哺乳一母乳哺育的好處與技巧
4/28/2025 週一 noon – 1 :30 p.m.
主講: 何萱, 註冊護士&國際認證泌乳顧問
講員簡介: 台大護理系畢業,美國南加大傳播管理碩士,舊金山大學護理學碩士,任職於Kaiser產間產後高危險妊娠病房,從事護理工作22年, 2010通過國際泌乳師證照(International Board of Certified Lactation Consultant) ,目前在El Camino Health 醫院擔任泌乳顧問。
免費線上講座, 以普通話進行
A Guide for New Parents - Preparing for Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum Adjustment
Pregnancy and parenthood are significant life milestones that bring both joy and challenges. How can expectant parents maintain mental well-being during and after pregnancy? What can new dads do to support their partners? What are the key aspects of prenatal preparation and postpartum adjustment?
During this webinar, the instructor will share expert insights and practical advice on navigating the journey from conception to postpartum, including:
- Emotional health adjustment – Coping with psychological changes before and after pregnancy
- Guide for new dads– How to support your partner at each stage
- Prenatal health and preparation – Important considerations and common health concerns during pregnancy
- Postpartum care and breastfeeding – Benefits and best practices for both mom and baby
4/28/2025 Mon. Noon – 1 :30 p.m.
Speaker: Donna Ho, RN, Lactation Consultant
Speaker Bio:
With 22 years of experience in maternal and infant care, Donna Ho holds a Bachelor’s in Nursing from National Taiwan University, a Master’s in Communication Management from USC, and a Master’s in Nursing from USF. She previously worked in high-risk labor and postpartum units at Kaiser Permanente and became an IBCLC-certified lactation consultant in 2010. Dona now serves as a Lactation Consultant at El Camino Health, providing expert support to new parents.
FREE! The online webinar is conducted in Mandarin.
感謝協辦單位 Community Partners:
凱芯文教基金會 (Joy Culture Foundation)
國語語文學校 (Mandarin Language and Cultural Center)
山景城市府 (City of Mountain View)
柏拉阿圖中文學校 (Palo Alto Chinese School)
美華婦女會矽谷分會 (Organization of Chinese American Women-Silicon Valley Chapter)
華人社區中心 (Avenidas)
矽谷中文學校 (Silicon Valley Chinese School)
This Mental Health Education program is funded by a grant from the El Camino Health Foundation.
Please email any questions to Chinese Health Initiative at
[Virtual Class] 請問營養師: 素食者如何吃得營養健康? Ask a Dietitian
with 關潘靜儀 註冊營養師,糖尿病管理及教育專家 Jennie Quon, RD, CDCES, IFNCP

報名 Register:
越來越多人因宗教、環保或健康因素選擇素食。在美國,約有 6% 的人口是素食者。研究顯示,素食飲食可能帶來許多健康效益,例如降低心血管疾病、乳癌和大腸癌的風險。然而,素食並不等於健康,若未注意食材選擇與均衡搭配,反而可能導致營養不均或增加健康風險。
如果您選擇素食飲食,擔心營養攝取不足,歡迎參加 請問營養師 講座,營養師將為您解析如何透過均衡飲食,確保營養充足,吃出健康!營養師下半場開放問答。
主講: 關潘靜儀 註冊營養師,糖尿病管理及教育專家Jennie Quon, RD, CDCES, IFNCP
時間: 4/28, 週一, 7 p.m. - 8 p.m.
講員簡介:關潘靜儀 (Jennie Quon) : 註冊營養師,糖尿病管理教育專家 (Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist), 曾任職於Palo Alto Medical Foundation糖尿病教育及營養部, 從事營養輔導及教育有超過三十年的經驗。
課程經費來自於 El Camino Health 和 El Camino Healthcare District 的社區回饋基金和社區的捐贈
How Can Vegetarians Eat Healthily?
More and more people are adopting a vegetarian diet for religious, environmental, or health reasons. In the U.S., approximately 6% of the population identifies as vegetarian. Research has shown that a well-planned vegetarian diet may offer health benefits, such as reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer. However, being vegetarian does not automatically mean eating healthily. Without proper food choices and balanced nutrition, a vegetarian diet may lead to nutrient deficiencies or other health risks.
If you are a vegetarian and are concerned about getting enough nutrients, join our Ask a Dietitian webinar! Our dietitian will provide expert guidance on how to maintain a balanced and nutritious vegetarian diet to support your overall health.
Speaker: Jennie Quon, RD, CDCES, IFNCP
Free online webinar! Conducted in Mandarin
Date: 4/28 Mon 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Speaker bio: Jennie Quon RD, IFNCP,CDCES is a Registered Dietitian, Integrative Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist. She had been part of the Nutrition and Diabetes Care Team at Palo Alto Medical Foundation, with over 30 years of experience in medical nutrition therapy (MNT) and clinical nutrition counseling, specializing in chronic diseases. She is currently in private practice, providing nutrition counseling via telehealth.
Funded by El Camino Health and El Camino Healthcare District Community Partnership funds, and generous donations from the community.
Please email any questions to Chinese Health Initiative at
[Virtual Class] 心理健康系列: 三歲定一生? 零歲到五歲幼兒的養育需知 Emotional Well-being Series

報名 Register:
許多父母都聽過「三歲定一生」,但這真的成立嗎?本次講座將探討這一迷思,並深入解析影響0-5歲幼兒成長的關鍵因素。陳博士將分享如何在這段黃金時期培養孩子的正面學習態度、建立成長心態(growth mindset),並發展情緒智商(EQ)與同理心,為孩子的身心健康與未來發展奠定穩固基礎。歡迎家長與照護者參加,一同學習實用的育兒策略!
5/5/2025 週一 noon – 1 :30 p.m.
主講: 陳姝伶博士
講員簡介: 陳姝伶博士畢業於台灣大學社會學系及社會研究所,並於美國奧瑞岡大學獲得幼兒教育博士學位,專攻幼兒認知發展與親職教育。1991年,她在舊金山灣區創立「親子樂園」,義務為華人父母解答教養難題。三十多年來,她持續在灣區推廣親職教育,透過演講、讀書會及父母成長班,為華人家庭提供寶貴的支持與指引,幫助父母培養更健康、和諧的親子關係。
免費線上講座, 以普通話進行
Parenting Essentials for Ages 0-5
5/5/2025 Mon. Noon – 1 :30 p.m.
Speaker: Shuling Chen, PhD
FREE! The online webinar is conducted in Mandarin.
感謝協辦單位 Community Partners:
凱芯文教基金會 (Joy Culture Foundation)
國語語文學校 (Mandarin Language and Cultural Center)
山景城市府 (City of Mountain View)
柏拉阿圖中文學校 (Palo Alto Chinese School)
美華婦女會矽谷分會 (Organization of Chinese American Women-Silicon Valley Chapter)
華人社區中心 (Avenidas)
矽谷中文學校 (Silicon Valley Chinese School)
This Mental Health Education program is funded by a grant from the El Camino Health Foundation.
Please email any questions to Chinese Health Initiative at
[Virtual Class] 請問營養師: 您真的會用營養標示嗎? Ask a Dietitian

報名 Register:
營養標識上的百分比是什麼意思? 不同的營養成分,多少最合適?您知道如何判斷添加糖的多少?邀請您來認識如何有效使用營養標示,進而建立健康的飲食。營養師下半場開放問答。
普通話講座: 5/19/25 週一 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.
主講: 秦譞 註冊營養師,糖尿病管理及教育專家
粵語講座: 6/18/25 週三 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.
主講: 關潘靜儀 註冊營養師,糖尿病管理及教育專家
秦譞, Naomi Qin, MS, RDN, CDCES: 私人執業的美國註冊營養師,DragonFruit Joy的創始人。她專注於身心靈全方位的營養和健康服務,致力於從全方位提升服務人群的生活質量和幸福感。目前在進修心理治療碩士學位。
關潘靜儀 (Jennie Quon) : 註冊營養師,糖尿病管理教育專家 (Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist), 曾任職於Palo Alto Medical Foundation糖尿病教育及營養部, 從事營養輔導及教育有超過三十年的經驗。
課程經費來自於 El Camino Health 和 El Camino Healthcare District 的社區回饋基金和社區的捐贈
How to Read Food Labels
What do the percentages on food labels mean? With all the different nutrients, how much is appropriate for me? Do you know how to determine the amount of added sugar? Come learn from a registered dietitian how to effectively read food labels to build a healthy diet. Bring your questions!
Free online webinar!
Conducted in Mandarin: 5/19/25 Mon 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.
Speaker: Naomi Qin, MS, RDN, CDCES
Conducted in Cantonese: 6/18/25 Wed 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Speaker: Jennie Quon, RD, CDCES, IFNCP
Speaker bio:
Naomi Qin is a Master's level Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist based in San Jose, specializing in diabetes education, infertility, and eating disorders. Currently pursuing a second Master's degree in Counseling Psychology, she is the founder of DragonFruitJoy, a private practice dedicated to holistic health.
Jennie Quon RD, IFNCP,CDCES is a Registered Dietitian, Integrative Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist. She had been part of the Nutrition and Diabetes Care Team at Palo Alto Medical Foundation, with over 30 years of experience in medical nutrition therapy (MNT) and clinical nutrition counseling, specializing in chronic diseases. She is currently in private practice, providing nutrition counseling via telehealth.
Funded by El Camino Health and El Camino Healthcare District Community Partnership funds, and generous donations from the community.
Please email any questions to Chinese Health Initiative at