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Oncology Exercise Class for Cancer Patients
in Cancer Programs
[Virtual Class] Oncology Exercise Class for Cancer Patients
with Outpatient Physical Therapy

Our Oncology Exercise Class is designed to help you feel better during and after cancer treatment. This class is available to El Camino Health Cancer Center patients who are currently receiving treatment and those who have completed treatment.
Online Event Instructions
For more information or to join the Zoom Meeting, please contact the Cancer Center at (650) 988-8338.
Research has demonstrated that those who exercise regularly experienced less fatigue. This is often a common side effect of cancer treatments. The sooner you start exercising, the better you’ll feel!
This program is available to El Camino Health Cancer Center patients who are currently receiving treatment and those who have completed treatment.
Prerequisite: Physical Therapy Evaluation
Participation begins with a one-on-one evaluation with an El Camino Health physical therapist. The physical therapist will evaluate your readiness for this exercise class and assign a level that is right for you. You can then join the weekly exercise class.
One-on-one evaluations are held at the Outpatient Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation (Mountain View) department in Park Pavilion, at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. every Monday. Please contact the Cancer Center to schedule an appointment at (650) 988-8338. Wearing a face mask during your evaluation with the physical therapist is required.
Meeting Frequency
Class meets online every Friday unless otherwise noted.
Disclaimer: If you’ve registered 48 hours before the class, it is not a guarantee of your registration for this date and time.
Oncology Exercise Class is sponsored by El Camino Health Cancer Center.